There is no need to donate!

This software is totally free.

The eBay Partner Network

I’m a member of the eBay Partner Network. When you click on an item to view it in your browser, eBay knows the click has come from AuctionSieve. If you then bid on that item and win it, I get a percentage of eBay’s revenue. (It’s a little more complex than that but that’s the basic idea.) That’s why I can afford to give the software away for free! What’s nice is that it’s ongoing – so rather than a once off donation or payment for my software, as long as you continue to use AuctionSieve, I keep getting regular ‘donations’!

How you can help me

There’s still a way you can help me.

Tell other people about AuctionSieve!

It’s a simpleĀ  equation that goes like this:

More users of AuctionSieve = more items bought via AuctionsSieve = more money for me from eBay.

The best way to get more users for me is via word of mouth – ieĀ  tweet about it, mention it on facebook, post a review on a shareware website, mention it on a forum, etc.

There’s another feedback equation:

More money from ePN = more chance of me not having to have a day job = more time to spend adding cool new features to AuctionSieve = you have even more success finding stuff on eBay!